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Politics and Humanity

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Jay Roberts



Well, there’s no doubt about it. We are in the heat of the political firestorm known as election season. I’m sure a lot of people agree that the happiest days are the ones that follow an election. Not necessarily because one candidate is victorious and another is not, but rather, the end of the election season marks the end of the campaign ads season! Do the ads drive you crazy, too!? 😁

All joking aside, I am looking forward to the election being over. Deep down, I wish that the end of the election would mean the end of the division in our society. But we all know that’s not going to happen. I think it is safe to say that all of us, no matter what our political affiliation, want the same thing. We want good paying jobs, safe neighborhoods, good health for ourselves, friends & family, and an overall sense of happiness. This doesn’t seem to be too much to ask for. Is it possible for us to find common ground, even in light of our political differences? Personally, I value everyone for what they bring to the table. Whether it is a varying point of view, sense of humor, fashion style, way of interpreting things, or an opposing political stance. There’s an old saying, “Variety is the spice of life.” This is so accurate, and applicable even political terms. Just imagine if everyone was like me!? That’s a scary thought. Thank goodness everyone is not. – Jay Roberts

Jay Roberts

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