I remember as a kid being told not to cry over spilled milk, or argue over the price of eggs. All these years later, I still think spilled milk is disgusting, and the price of eggs? Well, that’s just downright insulting. This morning my daughter was going about her early morning daily routine, frying her two eggs for breakfast. When I came downstairs, she told me about how one of the eggs was stuck in the carton and broke when she tried to remove it. She told me how gross it was that the egg white spilled all over. I told her you have to be super careful with those eggs because they’re so expensive right now. After asking me how much eggs cost, she asked me how much they used to cost. I told her that not that long ago, we used to pay less than one dollar for a dozen eggs. Actually, I think the price was something like $.70. She probably thinks I’m really old. Maybe she’s right. Although the $.70 price was legitimately about seven years ago, so not that long ago.
I have always said that eggs are the best food that a person could possibly eat. Lots of protein, vitamins, relatively low in calories and at a price so cheap, it makes you wonder how the farmers do it. My last trip to the store changed that mindset. Don’t get me wrong, I still love eggs and I believe that they are an incredible meal option, but just three days ago I paid the equivalent of $.40 per egg. $.40 may not seem like a lot of money but when you factor in that I purchased a container with 36 of them, it really starts to add up. I never once thought I would have to choose between a package of eggs or ribeye steak. Yep, it’s that expensive. Hopefully this price increase is short-lived and the bird flu will go bye-bye really soon.