Well, it finally happened. These ridiculously high egg prices have finally caught up with me. If you don’t know, I am a big consumer of eggs. I’ve said for many years how I believe eggs are the world’s perfect food. High in protein, low in price. What could be better than that? Well, they are no longer low in price, as you know. If you saw my Facebook post today (Friday) you may be wondering why the glass door was broken out of the refrigerator section at the grocery store…..right where the eggs are. NO, IT WASN’T ME!!! 😂 Probably just coincidental or accidental I’m sure. But I could definitely understand why these high prices would drive someone to go a little mad. After all, when shopping for protein, it seems a little odd to be comparing the price of steak to the price of eggs. I can honestly say this is the first time in my 48 years on this planet that eggs have ever been this ridiculously expensive. Some industry folks believe that the price of eggs might continue to increase throughout the year. It might be time for me to find a new protein!
As to how this has finally affected me? I usually buy at least two dozen eggs at a crack (lol….sorry, bad dad joke) but yesterday I went to the store and only bought one. And you better believe that I checked every single one of those eggs to make sure they were perfect! No cracked shells or chicken feces on my eggs at this price!